Great Leaders Are Not Served By Others, They Serve the People They Lead

Are you looking for some inside information on Great Leaders Are Not Served By Others, They Serve the People They Lead? Here's an up-to-date report from Great Leaders Are Not Served By Others, They Serve the People They Lead experts who should know.

Sometimes the most important aspects of a subject are not immediately obvious. Keep reading to get the complete picture.

Great Leaders are adept at treating their people really well and always give credit to their team members when they do well. The best type of leader is someone who gives credit to his team members when the team achieves great success, but is quick to accept responsibility, when the team performs below expectations. One person can never take credit for the success of any team; it takes the input of many to create a successful team or organisation. Any leader, who tries to claim credit and act as the top dog, can never create an environment where people are loyal to them. To become a great leader, who can influence their team to keep moving in a positive direction and to consistently inspire them to greatness, you must be willing to give the credit to your team when things work out and accept responsibility when they don't.

As you grow and evolve as a leader you need to realise that a true leader is someone who looks to add value to his team at all times. To become a truly great leader you need to make the shift away from believing that you are in charge and that others are there to serve you. If you want to positively influence and inspire your team, you must commit to serve them. Your goal as a leader must never be about how far you will get to advance yourself, but rather how far you will get support others and help them to advance and grow.

Every interaction between any leader and their followers is a form of relationship. As you know every time you have any sort of relationship with anyone, they either add to, have no effect or subtract from your experience. If you want to become a great leader, who can positively influence their team to greatness, then you must constantly be striving to add value to everyone in your team.

Action Idea: Look at your interactions with each of your team members and ask yourself this simple question: Are my interactions with my team members adding value to them? If the answer to this question is no, ask yourself the second question: How can I change this and add real value to everyone I SERVE?This small shift where you look for ways to consistently add value to all your team members and discover ways to help them to grow, will not only serve each of your individual team members, helping them to grow, but will see the quality of the people in your team expand too. As the quality of your team improves, so too will the performance and the outcomes you are able to enjoy with your team.

Great leaders know that building a great team is never about having your team, make you look good as a boss or manager. It is a process of consistent commitment to every team member, where the leader looks to serve his team and add value to them wherever possible. Learn to value the people in your teams and demonstrate this by letting your team members know how valuable they are as often as possible. People perform really well when their efforts are appreciated. Introduce the new success habit of showing appreciation to all your team members whenever they deserve it and you will have a powerful tool for success as a leader.

The crucial leadership skill that you as a leader must strive to add value to others comes with one premise. You must have some sort of value to add. You can never give anything to others if you do not have it yourself. You can only add knowledge, skill or advice if you possess it yourself. Great leaders are always striving to grow themselves in all areas. You can only offer insight or experience to your team members if you have gained it yourself through study and practice. Stay committed to your personal growth and constantly strive to grow your knowledge and skill base. This will not only help you to grow, but will equip you to add real value to all your team members, who you serve as their leader.

Invest time to get to know all the individuals in your teams. You can never serve and add value to anyone in your team, unless you know something about them. Inexperienced leaders try to lead others without any knowledge about them, whilst great leaders invest time to get to know their teams. They listen, learn and then begin to lead. Always have pure motives and strive to remove any wrong agendas from your leadership relationship with your followers. This will clear the way for outstanding achievement and your team will not only be successful, but the people in your teams will be fulfilled and happy too.

That's the latest from the Great Leaders Are Not Served By Others, They Serve the People They Lead authorities. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next level.